Online Learning Explained

Here at UK Open College, we take many calls asking how online learning works, so we thought we would take a few mins to explain things a little more clearly for those of you that may have never chosen this method of learning before.

The basic principles are very straightforward as shown below:

  • Select your course and enrol online
  • Access your materials
  • Complete your lessons and submit your assignments
  • Receive tutor feedback and progress to the next lesson
  • Email your tutor in between with any questions
  • Complete exams if required and receive your qualification

Of course, there is a bit more to this than meets the eye and embarking on any form of the study program is never as simple as it may seem. Experience tells us that every student is different and each one will learn and absorb information in different ways. Some study in small chunks and others can do hours at a time, some take in the information straight away and others have to revisit a lesson again and again. How you study is totally up to you!

Long gone are the days when students had to send and receive course lessons via the post. with the advances in technology over the years students are now able to access their lessons online, through the post and via our student portal. This allows students to choose what’s right for them and complete using the method they prefer.

As with any college course, all students can access a tutor via email with any questions they may have relating to their course. This provides a very efficient way of correspondence that also allows students to refer to any response/feedback at any time.

Any student considering online learning should take into account some major factors otherwise studying at home may not be the right method of learning for them. Any form of studying takes commitment and dedication. the majority of our students admit that they had been thinking about starting a course for over two years before actually deciding to enrol.

Online learning provides true flexibility to those who may find it difficult to attend a local college or for those who indeed choose not to use a traditional college. You are able to study anywhere you wish, whether it’s at home, at work, on the train, on the bus or even on holiday. Students are able to complete courses in a matter of weeks with the right application and a little hard work. This is a major advantage of home study over college attendance where students are restricted to when and how often they can enrol and actually attend their chosen course.

A recognised qualification can be on your CV and attached to any job application in a very short space of time. Students can study at their own speed, whether that’s fast or slow is down to you. As long as you complete within your maximum advertised time scale then the fees displayed within the site are the fees you pay. We can extend courses for a small fee if students find that life got in the way whilst trying to complete.

Spend some time viewing our courses and read through the details & syllabus so you know exactly what you will be covering and in what time scale. Once you have done this you are able to enrol online or via telephone and we can arrange course access/delivery for you within a matter of days, sometimes even hours. We enrol 365 days a year. Even Christmas day!

There is no secret to online learning and it’s not rocket as they say, however, be prepared for hard work, manage your time correctly and the rewards will follow given a little time. Qualifications are a fantastic investment. Treat yourself to a future.

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